[Adventurer] Ice-pocalypse

Okay. I made it harder. I can still beat it in 13 LoC though. (my code could be improved to be shorter)

So, is it already released? (in the new version?)

It hasn’t been updated, I don’t know, so it is still easy, because I don’t see robot walkers.

Also, on level editor, I don’t see updates. Did you publish the level? Also, robobombs might make the level harder. (JS)

Or maybe you could do this:

It is really hard!

ye it’s published. @I_can_rob_you, robot walkers can’t shoot through walls, y’know

I forgot, oops. (20 characters)

Really easy level…

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Yes I know. I’m currently focusing on The Wrath of the Lava King. It’ll be designed to teach how to use vectors to calculate aiming catapults.

it says I have a error loading from server.

I think i changed the name of the level. lemme see

Hmm… i think the level disappeared. rip.

yeah it happens all the time.