I need help for Summits Gate!

Please format your next posts’ code according to the FAQ. I’ve done this for you this time.

Now for the main topic. Summit’s Gate is a very difficulty level, even more so if you have only the free heroes—but it is still manageable even so. You will need a bit more of strategy in order to beat it. Here are some general points:

  • You want to command your paladins to heal your hero whenever your hero’s health is below a certain threshold, and your paladins’ heal spell has cooled down (check with the canCast('heal') method on your paladin units).

  • Once you reach a gate door, you may take some time to wait and heal yourself. That is, wait until your hero has regained their health before you break the door. if I recall correctly, I did this by excluding doors from the array returned by this.findEnemies() and used a flag to signal when the door should be destroyed.

  • The towers are by far the most challenging part of this level, in my opinion. My personal strategy for beating them was:

    1. Before the door, wait enough time until your hero has got back to full health (don’t break the door early, wait for the paladins to cast heal on you a couple times until your health is full). You have to write code to command the paladins to cast heal on you whenever they can and you have less than max health, as I’ve already mentioned.
    2. Break the door and immediately back away with your troops, don’t go past the gate just yet. The ogres will come after your hero and you will be able to kill all of them without the beam towers roasting your hero while you do that.
    3. Then, only then, command your hero attack a beam tower. Note that the beam towers’ range is limited, so you can attack one while staying out of the other tower’s range—if you are attacking the top one, stay above the tower so the bottom one cannot attack you. Likewise, the same applies to the bottom one: stay as far as you can from the opposite tower while you attack one of them.
    4. At this point, one tower will be inactive and the other will be focusing its beam at your hero. You should be able to command your paladin(s) to stay near the hero, away from the opposite tower and outside of the tower your hero is attacking’s beam line. This will allow the paladin(s) to heal your hero without being hurt by the towers while the hero takes down the towers.
    5. You can use your remaining units to attack the towers. Ideally, they should be able to attack the towers from a position that is not in the opposite tower’s range and outside of the tower that your hero is attacking’s beam line. Don’t be afraid if all your other units die in this section, you will be joined by more than enough troops in the next section if you manage to destroy the towers and stay alive.

You can find more tips along the other Summit’s Gate thread. Good luck! :smile:

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