My ripoff of Giant's Gate

u.x nor u.pos.x works, neither do the .ys.

I don’t think you should loss points when you tie with someone

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and also how come when a win against robot317 he/she doesn’t loss any points :?

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It’s a “he” and @robot317 is @coder3.

And idk the answer to your question.

hmmm, wait cloneclon is gaining points for a tie with my and I am lossing points to him when we tie

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this is so dumb I am lossing more points over all when I get all wins and tie

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bro, why do I even change my code I just have less points

This is codecombat’s, not @coder3’s error.

hmmmm, ok (20 charsssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss)

wait a sec, I just gained 400 points by beating one person (well I guess I can’t complain cause I am first now)xD

Btw, have you beaten my mages might program yet?

Lol, true. (20 chars agrees)

what is yours? (20 chars)

Lemme check. xD I forgot since I don’t use that account much.

“but ur his snac >:)” is my codecombat class profile and “moonwatcher348” is my non-class account.

So it’s the class one.

lol, I beat you with my code where I just shield at the start and shoot arrows when heath starts declining

Uf, yeah, my program is terrible against arrows. Also, lets talk in a PM.

I can’t belive my code is 16th place, I only wrote like 10 lines of code xD

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