Pig latin translater

#Take the users input
words = raw_input("Enter some text to translate to pig latin: ")
print "You entered: ", words

#Now I need to break apart the words into a list
words = words.split(' ')

#Now words is a list, so I can manipulate each one usinga loop

for i in words:
    if len(i) >= 3: #I only want to translate words greater than 3 characters
        i = i + "%say" % (i[0]) 
        i = i[1:]
        print i

does this work at all

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Is it in python? If so I will try it.

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yes that is python @Archipelago-Gold

okay one second. I’ll test it for you.

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okay thank you because i made it but the chromebooks dont have a way for me to test it

Guess what bud. It works here is an IDE you can use. https://repl.it/~ Good luck and nice work :+1:

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thank that is what i did in like 1 to 2 hours

That’s a good time for a translator. Good work and keep it up. :smile:


Does that link work for you? If not I will give you another one.

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yes it does thank you

Okay good. Have a good day. Also i recommend possibly putting your code in a loop so they can translate more than once before the program stops that is the only recommendation I have for it otherwise it is well done.

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okay i am adding a

    #Take the users input
words = raw_input("Enter some text to translate to pig latin: ")
print "You entered: ", words

#Now I need to break apart the words into a list
words = words.split(' ')

#Now words is a list, so I can manipulate each one usinga loop

for i in words:
    if len(i) >= 3: #I only want to translate words greater than 3 characters
        i = i + "%say" % (i[0]) 
        i = i[1:]
        print i

try it now

That won’t work, you have to either do a while true loop or a while loop.

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Yes you have to have a while true.

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You know what it works as it is and I can’t get a loop to work with this code so just keep it as it is okay? It won’t work with a loop for some reason so it will be good as is. Good work

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actuall it does not work it says raw imput is not defined

I know I already tried editing in the loop it is okay as is. Where are you planning on putting this code?

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on a blog i am making

Hmmm not sure if this will work but maybe change raw_input to input

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nope that doesn’t work either we will just have to leave it as is.

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