Timber turncoat Help Me

I am really confused, please help me!

while True:
    item = hero.findNearestItem()
    if item:
    if hero.gold > hero.costOf("soldier"):
    for friend in hero.findFriends():
        if friend.type == "soldier":
            enemy = friend.findNearestEnemy()
            # Careful! If your soldiers are defeated, a warlock will appear!
            # Если нет, прикажи следовать в правую часть карты.
            if (enemy):
                hero.command(friend, "attack", enemy)
                hero.command(friend, "move", {'x': 69, 'y': 37})

what’s not working? it’s also a subscriber level so i can’t help too much, but i can try.

This is the problem, one of my soldiers always dies.

while True:
    item = hero.findNearestItem()
    if item:
    if hero.gold > hero.costOf("soldier"):
    for friend in hero.findFriends():
        if friend.type == "soldier":
            enemy = friend.findNearestEnemy()
            # Careful! If your soldiers are defeated, a warlock will appear!
            if enemy:
                if friend.health > 20:
                    hero.command(friend, "attack", enemy)
                elif friend.health < 20:
                    hero.command(friend, "move", {'x': 29, 'y': 42})
                if friend.health > 20:
                    hero.command(friend, "move", {'x': 69, 'y': 37})
                elif friend.health < 20:
                    hero.command(friend, "move", {'x': 29, 'y': 42})

My new code. I will check if it works.

Ha! It works! After I change all of the 20s to 50s it worked!

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