Topic for polls

i’ll give you an exaple:

solve for 'x'

thats too ez…/…

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7x*7 = y
whats x?

Fav dried fruit

  • Dried Kiwi
  • Dried Pineapple
  • Dried Apricot
  • Dried fig
  • Dried mango
  • Dried banana

0 voters

I’m straight up dumb when we’re talking about math. :grin:

i dont like dried fruit.

answer for my problem. x=multiplacation XDXDXD

Where’s dried apple?
Dried apple tastes amazing!

  • candy
  • chocolate
  • baby
  • carrots
  • orange

0 voters

Chocolate milk is one of the greatest drinks ever made


I like candy instead

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Orange juice is better

Or coke. (Coke is the best for me)

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Coke is very delicious, though only Coke Zero, I don’t really like the normal one. It has loads of sugar so it’s bad for my teeth and the sugar makes it taste too sweet

I like sweet I hope there is very very sweet coke

I do to but the Normal Coke is too sweet, it almost tastes sour like a lemon :laughing:

Then I want wine (even if I am 7)

Can you put lava inside a water gun

Can you put water into a flamethrower

  • You can put water into a flamethrower
  • You can’t put water into a flamethrower
  • IDK

0 voters