Just a note for anyone whose American if you join the military they’ll pay for some or all of your college how much depends on how long you stay.
they pay for all if you get into their university
it’s awesome.
and the Air Force even let’s you major in comp sci
…and I don’t feel like taking the USMLE, which is in 3 parts:
- Part 1: 8 hours and ~200/300 questions
- Part 2: 9 hours and ~200/300 questions
- Part 3: 18 hours and ~400 questions and 13 computer simulations
bro no way that’s real
a 1000 question test nahhh im good
Oh, and don’t forget about the MCAT. You take that before the USMLE.
I am not reading all of this but, I plan on going to Heartland.
I’m interested in the Ringling college of arts and design !
oh ik bout that one couple of my friends studying for it rn. One of the hardest tests nationally
Hey guys, let’s try to keep it civil & relevant to the thread! I just bulk-removed a lot of irrelevant posts.
Choosing a career is definitely a critical moment in life, and I think this is a great place to support each other’s choices and aspirations.
One word of advice though, would be that you’re never fixed to a single career after deciding to pursue it. So if you feel that during your university studies, you don’t feel like it’s a good career choice for you, it never hurts to change route.
Apologizes for my miss steps sir…
I lowkey feel positive about my path at the moment.
Ai is going to die out at some point, knowing looked down upon it is at the moment.
I feel like I’m getting better at illustration and arts, I really really want to become a art director/ character designer for the Nintendo company,
just imagine being the first middle eastern/poc to direct a Japanese company’s game, which could be a big hit !
like James Turner, he became the first westener to be a art director for a Pokemon game!!!?!?! like that’s wild???
I’ve enrolled in an undergraduate group for one of my safe art schools that have been sending me emails prior…
I’m taking a international baccalaureate program in my school, that also provides an visual arts program, and I’m going to my districts career and technology center for illustration classes.
I hope I can continue this path.
good luck “LimesHatesLemons” (jk i wish u the best of luck and keep at it towards your goals <3)
I still plan on attending Miami University in Miami, Florida, and plan to rent an apartment instead of living on campus depending on possible scholarship opportunities.
Im also broke :// <20chars>