A question regarding the "elif" snippet(?)

it would be better as:

    enemy = self.findNearestEnemy()
    if enemy.type is 'ogre':
        if self.isReady('bash'):

Because it’s an if, not elif.

@Agalondia or:

    enemy = self.findNearestEnemy()
     ogre = enemy.type('ogre')
     if ogre:
         if self.isReady('bash'):

because you’re bashing the enemy.type ogre, not just a random enemy if there’s an ogre.

Hope this helps!!!

Dude, ogre is not a function :confused:

then try my 1st one. Also, be kinder please. I’m pretty tired, so i’m a little snappy. :sleeping:

Oh sorry didn’t know i hurt your feelings man, if it makes you feel better, i want you to know that:
Your code works!
Well, sorta, i did tweak it a bit, but for general uses, it’s functional :slight_smile:
Thanks man!

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How’d you tweak it? I’d like to know!

Alright, here it is:

        if enemy.type is "ogre":
            if self.isReady("bash"):

But you need a new glasses; one that would give you the findByType method, otherwise, it won’t work, you wooluld also need a shield that can give you the bash ability, unless you retweak my coding to fit your playstyle, this code will give you an error on the “bash” part. :smiley:

Yeah, i know, I’m on the last level of cloudrip, just wanted to make it useable with less geared stuff.


Alright good to know, thanks for the base code again :slight_smile:

That’s cool! Hope I see you in another forum, why don’t you start going around helping others as well?

Thing is, 30+ hours in and i still don’t know much about what i’m doing in the game xD
i’m still learning the ins and outs of the game, and since most of those who have problems are already ahead of me, i can’t do much to help

And besides, i only know how to code with python, if there’s someone needing help and he’s using lua, how am i suppose to help him? :frowning:

dunno, maybe learn lua. I don’t know it myself

Alright i’ll try

Wait, who are you trying to help? Give me the link and I will see.

LOL i was making up a scenario xD wasn’t serious about someone needing help and he’s using lua, although someone like that exists at one time or another in the forum, i don’t think someone using that kind of language will be needing help soon

Oh. XD :slight_smile: