Fragile Maze Level Help

Ok I have an issue with the fact that, although I think my code is correct, my hero doesn’t move, which obviously means it isn’t correct. Silly me. I have based it off of Skating Away and this topic, but I am not getting anywhere. Here is my code:

while True:
    potion = hero.findFriendlyMissiles()[0]
    firetraps = hero.findHazards()
    # Remember that a Fire Trap will trigger if you move closer than 3 meters!
    omarn = hero.findByType("potion-master")[0]
    if potion:
        dest = potion.targetPos
        # Go get the potion.
        potion = Vector.subtract(dest.pos, hero.pos)
        potion = Vector.normalize(potion)
        potion = Vector.multiply(potion, 3)
        if hero.distanceTo(firetraps) < 3:
            firetrap = Vector.subtract(firetrap.pos, hero.pos)
            firetrap = Vector.normalize(firetrap)
            firetrap = Vector.multiply(firetrap, 3)
            potion = Vector.add(potion, firetrap)
        moveToPos = Vector.add(hero.pos, potion)
        if omarn and hero.distanceTo(omarn) > 10:
            # Move back to Omarn.
            home = omarn.targetPos
            # Go get the potion.
            omarn = Vector.subtract(home.pos, hero.pos)
            omarn = Vector.normalize(omarn)
            omarn = Vector.multiply(omarn, 3)
            if hero.distanceTo(firetraps) < 3:
                firetrap = Vector.subtract(hero.pos, firetrap.pos)
                firetrap = Vector.normalize(firetrap)
                firetrap = Vector.multiply(firetrap, 3)
                omarn = Vector.add(omarn, firetrap)
            moveToPos = Vector.add(hero.pos, omarn)
            # Warning: isPathClear doesn't work with Hazards!
            hero.say("Hup, hup!")

Thanks in advance.
Elijah :lion: