same error. oof. 20c
show us your code Please
# Move to the red X mark while avoiding the yaks.
# use Vector.normalize(vector1) to create a vector in the same direction as vector1, but with a distance of 1
# use Vector.multiply(vector1, X) to create a vector in the same direction as vector1, but with its distance multiplied by X
# The point you want to get to.
goalPoint = Vector(78, 34)
while True:
# This creates a vector that will move you 10 meters toward the goalPoint
# First, create a vector from your hero to the goal point.
goal = Vector.subtract(goalPoint, hero.pos)
# Then, normalize it into a 1m distance vector
goal = Vector.normalize(goal)
# Finally, multiply the 1m vector by 10, to get a 10m long vector.
goal = Vector.multiply(goal, 10)
# To avoid the yaks, if you get within 10 meters of a yak, you should vector away from it.
yak = hero.findNearest(hero.findEnemies())
distance = hero.distanceTo(yak)
if distance < 10:
# First, make a Vector from the yak to you
vector = Vector.subtract(yak.pos, hero.pos)
# Now use Vector.normalize and Vector.multiply to make it 10m long
vector = Vector.normalize(vector)
# Once you have the 10m vector away from the yak, use Vector.add to add it to your goal vector!
goal = Vector.add(vector, 10)
# Finally, determine where to move by adding your goal vector to your current position.
moveToPos = Vector.add(hero.pos, goal)
what happened now @Dragonlouis
Same problem. 20characters
You missed the last part of these instructions, you need to add this underneath these lines:
goal = Vector.add(variable,goal)
Replace variable with your variable.
# Move to the red X mark while avoiding the yaks.
# use Vector.normalize(vector1) to create a vector in the same direction as vector1, but with a distance of 1
# use Vector.multiply(vector1, X) to create a vector in the same direction as vector1, but with its distance multiplied by X
# The point you want to get to.
goalPoint = Vector(78, 34)
while True:
# This creates a vector that will move you 10 meters toward the goalPoint
# First, create a vector from your hero to the goal point.
goal = Vector.subtract(goalPoint, hero.pos)
# Then, normalize it into a 1m distance vector
goal = Vector.normalize(goal)
# Finally, multiply the 1m vector by 10, to get a 10m long vector.
goal = Vector.multiply(goal, 10)
# To avoid the yaks, if you get within 10 meters of a yak, you should vector away from it.
yak = hero.findNearest(hero.findEnemies())
distance = hero.distanceTo(yak)
if distance < 10:
# First, make a Vector from the yak to you
vector = Vector.subtract(yak.pos, hero.pos)
# Now use Vector.normalize and Vector.multiply to make it 10m long
vector = Vector.normalize(vector)
# Once you have the 10m vector away from the yak, use Vector.add to add it to your goal vector!
goal = Vector.add(vector, 10)
# Finally, determine where to move by adding your goal vector to your current position.
moveToPos = Vector.add(vector, goal)
is what I got, @abc. Did you scroll? and I don’t think it considers moveToPos as a pos, maybe I should try moveToPos.pos…
You’re combining two steps here. First you need to do what you did above:
but with the vector variable. Then you need to subtract (not add) the vector variable, from the goal variable. This means you will go away from the yak, rather than towards it.
Here you should be adding goal to hero.pos. Not to vector.
# Move to the red X mark while avoiding the yaks.
# use Vector.normalize(vector1) to create a vector in the same direction as vector1, but with a distance of 1
# use Vector.multiply(vector1, X) to create a vector in the same direction as vector1, but with its distance multiplied by X
# The point you want to get to.
goalPoint = Vector(78, 34)
while True:
# This creates a vector that will move you 10 meters toward the goalPoint
# First, create a vector from your hero to the goal point.
goal = Vector.subtract(goalPoint, hero.pos)
# Then, normalize it into a 1m distance vector
goal = Vector.normalize(goal)
# Finally, multiply the 1m vector by 10, to get a 10m long vector.
goal = Vector.multiply(goal, 10)
# To avoid the yaks, if you get within 10 meters of a yak, you should vector away from it.
yak = hero.findNearest(hero.findEnemies())
distance = hero.distanceTo(yak)
if distance < 10:
# First, make a Vector from the yak to you
vector = Vector.subtract(yak.pos, hero.pos)
# Now use Vector.normalize and Vector.multiply to make it 10m long
vector = Vector.normalize(vector)
# Once you have the 10m vector away from the yak, use Vector.add to add it to your goal vector!
goal = Vector.subtract(vector, 10)
# Finally, determine where to move by adding your goal vector to your current position.
moveToPos = Vector.add(vector, goal)
speak english? please? (I mean explain). @Deadpool198, summon.
Okay, I decided to redo it and this is what I got:
goalPoint = Vector(78, 34)
while True:
# This creates a vector that will move you 10 meters toward the goalPoint
# First, create a vector from your hero to the goal point.
goal = Vector.subtract(goalPoint, hero.pos)
# Then, normalize it into a 1m distance vector
goal = Vector.normalize(goal)
# Finally, multiply the 1m vector by 10, to get a 10m long vector.
goal = Vector.multiply(goal, 10)
# To avoid the yaks, if you get within 10 meters of a yak, you should vector away from it.
yak = hero.findNearest(hero.findEnemies())
distance = hero.distanceTo(yak)
if distance < 10:
# First, make a Vector from the yak to you
vector = Vector.subtract(yak.pos, hero.pos)
# Now use Vector.normalize and Vector.multiply to make it 10m long
vector = Vector.normalize(vector)
# Once you have the 10m vector away from the yak, use Vector.add to add it to your goal vector!
vector = Vector.add(vector, 10)
# Finally, determine where to move by adding your goal vector to your current position.
moveToPos = Vector.add(hero.pos, vector)
@abc or @milton.jinich or @Deadpool198 or @Eric_Tang please help
Read this and do it.
vector = Vector.add(vector, 10)
That part should be Vector.multiply(), and you should be multiplying “goal” by 10.
Next, you should use Vector.add() to add “vector” and “goal”.
Uh, @Falcons118 @milton.jinich @Monsty (are you in glacier yet monsty) help, my code is
goalPoint = Vector(78, 34)
while True:
# This creates a vector that will move you 10 meters toward the goalPoint
# First, create a vector from your hero to the goal point.
goal = Vector.subtract(goalPoint, hero.pos)
# Then, normalize it into a 1m distance vector
goal = Vector.normalize(goal)
# Finally, multiply the 1m vector by 10, to get a 10m long vector.
goal = Vector.multiply(goal, 10)
# To avoid the yaks, if you get within 10 meters of a yak, you should vector away from it.
yak = hero.findNearest(hero.findEnemies())
distance = hero.distanceTo(yak)
if distance < 10:
# First, make a Vector from the yak to you
vector = Vector.subtract(yak.pos, hero.pos)
# Now use Vector.normalize and Vector.multiply to make it 10m long
vector = Vector.normalize(vector)
# Once you have the 10m vector away from the yak, use Vector.add to add it to your goal vector!
vector = Vector.multiply(goal, 10)
vector = Vector.add(vector, goal)
# Finally, determine where to move by adding your goal vector to your current position.
moveToPos = Vector.add(hero.pos, vector)
In here you should be adding goal and hero.pos, as that is what the instructions tell you, but you are adding vector and hero.pos
No. I’m still in mountain.
delete pass also @Dragonlouis
goalPoint = Vector(78, 34)
while True:
# This creates a vector that will move you 10 meters toward the goalPoint
# First, create a vector from your hero to the goal point.
goal = Vector.subtract(goalPoint, hero.pos)
# Then, normalize it into a 1m distance vector
goal = Vector.normalize(goal)
# Finally, multiply the 1m vector by 10, to get a 10m long vector.
goal = Vector.multiply(goal, 10)
# To avoid the yaks, if you get within 10 meters of a yak, you should vector away from it.
yak = hero.findNearest(hero.findEnemies())
distance = hero.distanceTo(yak)
if distance < 10:
# First, make a Vector from the yak to you
vector = Vector.subtract(yak.pos, hero.pos)
# Now use Vector.normalize and Vector.multiply to make it 10m long
vector = Vector.normalize(vector)
# Once you have the 10m vector away from the yak, use Vector.add to add it to your goal vector!
vector = Vector.multiply(goal, 10)
vector = Vector.add(vector, goal)
# Finally, determine where to move by adding your goal vector to your current position.
moveToPos = Vector.add(hero.pos, goal)
Delete the pass after this line
did that, I’m ignoring the yaks and moving to the goal point. @Eric_Tang?
Define this line as goal
@abc is right that is all you need to do then you should be good to go