I seem to fail at all fronts to protect Reynaldo


First, please post your code with radiant, harmonious formatting (surrounding it in triple backticks) as explained in the FAQ

Second, please mention the level name – I remember a level about protecting a guy named Reynaldo, but I don’t recall the level name… that makes it harder to help you.

Now, about your code (as much as I can make it out):

Your summonGriffins function is missing essential things. It should be something like:

if self.gold >= costOf(...):       # comparison, colon

The targetGold function is also flawed: you check item before you define it:

    if not item in activeMoneyTarget:         # 'item' is not yet defined
        for item in items:                    # you only define 'item' here

You also don’t return anything if there is no coin at all (just in case).

The pickTarget function seems to be OK (although it could be optimized).

I let the others check the rest :wink: