.Kelvintaph Crusader Help!

solved you problems but used chain lightning

var enemies = hero.findEnemies();
if(!enemies){ // will be always false - find why
    // code

      if(f.pos.x != 50) { // this will never work, find in the forum why
       hero.command(f, "move", {x: 48, y: 58});
       hero.command(f, "move", {x: 78, y: 40});

see how you can move with move() and command minions [Solved] Chained statements like .moveXY() and behavior override each other?

The level is working in a random javascript session taken from the leaderboard:
Corrections made to the original code:

// code
function commandPaladin() {
     // original  code
     else {
       var f = findWeakestFriend();
       if(f && f.type != "archer" && paladin.canCast("heal", f)) 
          hero.command(paladin, "cast", "heal", f);
          hero.command(paladin, "shield"); // shield if paladin cannot heal

// original  code
var points = [{x: 35, y: 15}, {x: 20, y: 14}, {x: 68, y: 14}, {x: 45, y: 14}, {x: 78, y: 14}];
hero.cast("chain-lightning", hero.findNearestEnemy());

for(var i = 0; i < points.length; i++) {
   // original  code

while(true) {
 // original  code   
 var enemies = hero.findEnemies(); 
 if( !enemies.length ) break; // enemies.length will be 0 if enemies is empty
   // you can insert the code for moving minions here or
   // call previously created function moveMinions()

// Instead of putting the moveMinions code in the above loop
// you can put the code in a new and last while true loop
// i call this Jenny's method

while(true) {
     var friends = hero.findFriends();
     for(var i = 0; i < friends.length; i++) {
       var f = friends[i];
       // i don't think this is the best way to move minions
       // but it's closer to your original approach
       if(f.pos. x < 60) 
          hero.command(f, "move", {x: 60, y: 39});
       else if(f.pos. x > 50) 
          hero.command(f, "move", {x: 78, y: 39});

the result:

You can improve the hero’s code. He/she barely survives. It can be done with no armor :