[Python] Function definition not working - Gold Rush

Some glasses will make this easy with the methods they provide. E.g.

nearest_item = self.findNearest(self.findItems())

But it’s still possible with the methods you have available. E.g.

def compare_distance(item1, item2):
    if distance(item1) < distance(item2):
        return -1
    elif distance(item1) > distance(item2):
        return 1
        return 0

nearest_items = sorted(self.getItems(), cmp=compare_distance)

The comparison function can be simplified since it needs a positive, negative, or zero value (not necessarily +1, -1, and 0) to check if it’s greater, lower, or equal.

def compare_distance(item1, item2):
    return distance(item1) - distance(item2)