@Serenity13 You are welcome.
The glacier level opens up working with Vectors as well as the library of Vector functions. I would encourage you to keep progressing and return to levels like Sarven Treasure to continue leveling up.
Here is a brief introduction to vectors, but I do not know if you can use them without the Programmaticon V.
If you wanted to however, you could write your own vector functions. Bascially in the game a vector is considered a POS or position. {‘x’:53 , ‘y’:31} The direction, I believe, is considered from the origin to this point. ( vector definition )
class VectorLibrary:
x = 0
y = 0
def __init__(self, newX, newY):
if newX:
self.x = newX
if newY:
self.y = newY
return True
myVector = VectorLibrary(4,5)
hero.say(myVector.x + " " + myVector.y)
hero.move( myVector )