[SOLVED] Help plz hunting party

@Leonardo_White any errors tho?

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yes it says your parentheses must match

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Did you put a comma between the x and y values for the move command?


try this

hero.command(friend, “move”, ( friend.pos.x , friend.pos.y))
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i did that but now it shows this

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You need to put “x”: before your x-coordinate and “y”: before your y-coordinate like you had it before.

The code should look like this:

hero.command(friend, “move”, ({"x":friend.pos.x , "y":friend.pos.y})

like this

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Yes, that should work. If it does not, just put friend.pos in the position argument for the move command.


it now shows this

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I can’t see it sorry can’t help

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You never defined what friend was.

try hero.FindFriends

Your code is not checking to see if there is an enemy. Try putting if enemy in your if-statement

Like this:

if enemy:
    # Insert code here
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Nooooo, he is right

friends = hero.findFriends()
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Yes, like that. It should work now.


I just tested it and it worked. But I may have different gear than him. Not to mention I use Ned.

my character is standing still

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What is your gear?

Your character does not necessarily need to move to complete the level, you just need to move your friends.

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