where did i say you are a dude, and for what level? because ive been to almost every single level and i have seen no level that requires a level 66 belt
To many questions to answer
this is the belt you have, level 66 is impossible without dev environment, unless you have dev environment, it is impossible to get
Answer them one at a time.
Don’t evade please.
1: What did you do?
2: How did you get boss star?
3: Did you hack?
just tell us if you have dev environment on or not
I am telling the truth
just answer my question, stop avoiding it
and please dont assume unless you have like 90% prove
Idk what that means Lydia
I said I do not hack
do you have a modified version of codecombat, and show me your gems
And xp.
How do I go to my Xp
Just show us ur level
show me your home screen on codecombat
alright, this is really weird
then show us glitch lengendary pro
There was a glitch to get a necklace or whatever but that one didn’t do anything. The belt actually has abilities.
Also it says this topic is going to close cause I hit solution but I did not