[SOLVED] The Two Flowers level in Cloudrip Mountain for peter palov and every one!

Try this and it should work.


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Donā€™t forget to write:

if friend and friend.type != "peasant"

Peasants canā€™t attack.

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does this answer your question/problem? if so please make sure to hit the tik mark box that says solved and someone with the high enough level of trust will put the title to [Solved]. @paracatower.com


Thank you every one i finally pass the level :slight_smile:


Congratulations! :partying_face:

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Congrats @paracatower.com!



Thank you every one and i pass The Geometry of Flowers too and Mountain Flower Grove too !


Look https://discourse.codecombat.com/u/PeterPalov (PeterPalov) You are very good wow

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I suppose you are under Windows. You can use Snip for screenshots:

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Hi long time no see sorry because i was busy so i did not talk to you guys for long!
Hello but now i am here!

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Did you finish the level? If you didnā€™t, here is a hint.

def command():
    friends = hero.findFriends()
    for friend in friends:
        if friend.type == ā€˜soldierā€™:
            enemies = hero.findEnemies()
            enemy = friend.findNearest(enemies)
            # do something

I left some stuff out, and you need to run your function by yourself. Is this helpful?

RangerGrant, I donā€™t think this person is even active anymore.


Oh. I hope this is helpful for other people who chance on the post


OH MY IM MISSED YOU GUYS I WAS UNACTIVE FOR SO LONGGGGG sorry guys im back I was busy i am glad im back i wanna talk to you guys how are you?

idk if you guys remember meā€¦

Uhhh, this is off-topicā€¦ lol, just pm them

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YESS somebody is still heree

I think this is the topic i created 2 years ago LOl

wait itā€™s just 1 year oh

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