where would i put cast chain lightning?
can you put it all together?
Honestly, you can just use the findEnemies.length to use it
if (enemies.length > 5):
hero.cast("chain-lightning", enemies[0])
You can post this code on phase 2 and phase 3, but i mostly recommend using it on the warlocks on phase 3. since they summon 2 skeletons each. bringing the counter to 6.
But that aside, did you at least get past phase 2?
Ah… how do i put this? you need to make separate functions during separate parts of the level activated by separate mechanisms.
something like this
function phaseCheck() {
var flag1 = hero.findFlag("green");
var flag2 = hero.findFlag("black");
var flag3 = hero.findFlag("violet");
if (???) {
phase1(); # the first phase function
if (???) {
movePhase(???); # the move function. doubles as a phase 2 function for me (you might need to separate this)
if (???) {
phase3(); The final phase
while (true) {
I put hints on where to put each code. since i made it so that you can see which phase i put my hints on
yes i have made it to the inner sanctum I just can’t beat it
I now have empeors glvoes and thee dragon healmet
What do you fight there?
To try and give you a starting strategy.
I dont actually know what every enemy there is called
Is it that guy that summons Skeletons?
Great! now since your health is mostly full you can just attack the warlocks yourself
warriors are T.H.I.C.C so you don’t have to worry about the explosion when they die
all you need now is a nice sword. i recommend the kith steel blade since it has better reach.
And try to move near them while you are invisible
yes, It’s called a warlock. by far the most frustrating enemy to deal with (closely followed by the witch, and the shaman)
And let the paladins heal you
It is the guy that makes the ritual in Defiler?
good strat, i never thought about that. although… i did use raise dead… kinda op at that area lol
But as a warrior you can’t do that.
OOF, you there too? yeah idk how to get past them. just looking at it idk where to start. by far the hardest level i’ve seen. Crusader doesn’t match the difficulty
I don’t know where phase three is ! could you put the chain lightning code where it is supposed to be?
I completed Defiler. I can help you figure out a strategy