Talk about The Legend of Zelda

quite true, the plot could improve lol. Imo it was lacking some of the iconic zelda feel tho, which is why I don’t like it so much. The dungeons were very different and too easy. Idk, it was a good game, I just didn’t get as much out of it like other ones.

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Majoras mask at d tier is criminal (that’s what it’s called right I can’t remember)

Naw that game sucks

What is the dungeon that was the hardest for you?

In my opinion, it is the Eagle Tower in Links Awakening. I spent like a week just on one small puzzle. Unlocking the dungeon was difficult because you had to get the blue cucco that was almost impossible to find.

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The first LoZ dungeon 8. Idk what it was about the blue knights, but my dad had to fight one room of them for me to get through. And this was like last year so I wasn’t inexperienced :sob:

I also completed the first Zelda game. For me, dungeon 5 was the hardest because of the blue knights that I had to defeat to get the flute. My dad also had to help me with that. Do you play the original Zelda on the NES or on a different Nintendo platform like the Switch? I have my dad’s NES from when he was a kid, but Idk if it works anymore because I haven’t used it in like four years.

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I quit at dungeon 8​:skull::skull::skull:

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Do you play Tears of the Kingdom(TOTK)?

  • Yes
  • No
0 voters

Do you have the master sword in Breath of the Wild?

  • Yes
  • No
  • I don’t play
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Yah I also have my dads old nes so I played it in there.

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You don’t like this kind of zelda?

How many Divine Beasts have you freed?

  • 0
  • 1
  • 2
  • 3
  • 4
0 voters

I closed my Topic for Zelda Breath of the Wild. The discussion can be continued in this topic.


Wdym? I like botw, it’s just not my all time favorite like a lot of people.


I don’t really have time to play any video games. I only get like 20 mins every week.

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@enPointe77, have you made it to Eventide island in BOTW?

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Yeah I have. Whatcha need?

I can’t get past the shrine quest where you can’t use armor and weapons that you already have.

Definitely start at the west side of the island and collect food and weapons. You can roast food at the fire in the center of the island to give you better energy choices. But yeah it’ll take a few tries, definitely save it right before you fly down so you don’t have to keep traveling lol

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The hinox is very difficult to beat.