The Final Kithmaze help

no (twenty characters)

but my lil bro isnt either

Then I don’t know, but have a quick question why does it say how old are you in the seconde picture

that’s my Lil bro’s one they send questions about you like every hour like how old are you I already answered that one if you are wondering :grin::blush:

The reason is that I think they updated it. Previously, subscriber levels only showed up if you were subscribed. When did you start playing?

Jan 2019 (20 characters)

Jan 2019 (20 characters) and my Lil bro started on November 6, 2020, he is new to CodeCombat.

Yes, that’s probably why. I created two accounts, one about two and a half years ago, and one a couple of days ago. The second one showed the subscriber levels even though I was not subscribed, but the first one only showed it when I subscribed.

ooooooooooooohhhhh thanks!!! :grin::grin::grin::grin::smiley::smiley::smiley::smiley:

This code looks ok but doesnt work, he walks to the wall and dies halfway. What is wrong with the code?

while true:
    enemy = hero.findNearestEnemy()

Welcome to the forum!! please format your code with the </> button but I see one error

this should be a uncappitalised w and a capitalised T

i believe that you also need a if enemy loop to find if there IS and enemy

@W_H in the future create a seperate post for this topic. This particular one has been dead for a while. I hope you enjoy your time here and if you have not already check out our FAQ. Thanks!

thanks (if this works)
ive been stuck at this for ages

it doesnt work you die in the spikes

thanks so much this helped alot

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None of these people are active anymore. They won’t be seeing your posts. But I am glad you have been helped.

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Oct. 2014 - Aug. 2021 -
The Final Kithmaze, through the ages…


I am so glad that this helped after 3 years, thanks! :blush:

boy were they wrong :smiling_imp: