What in Carnation - Feedback

Dear @kevin, and everyone else stuck on this level,

We don’t publish solutions on the forum – that would be against the idea of the game.

The level itself is not really difficult, as the drawing functions are provided by default, so you only need to call them with the correct parameters. Most of these parameters are given in the comments.


# Draw a "3D style" box ... centered on the red X ... with a size of 10.
# ...
# ...If you think in degrees then use the "degreesToRadians(degrees)" function...
drawPolygon(center, size, number of sides, start angle)
drawSpokes(center, size, number of spokes, start angle)     # same as above

Let’s see the parameters:

  • center: given
  • size: given
  • sides: given (count them)
  • spokes: given (count them)
  • start angle: try and/or guess (hint: think of a clock, and the angle between the numbers)


# Draw the star bib...
# ...centered on the white X ... size of 6.
# ...spirals have a size of 15 ... to go the other direction give a negative number of loops.

drawStar(center, size, sides, skips, startAngle)

drawSpiral(center, size,  number of loops, start angle)
drawSpiral(center, size,  number of loops, start angle)

Let’s see the parameters:

  • center: given for the star; for the spirals, there is a few steps offset
  • size: given
  • sides: given (count them) (hint: think of “sides” as spikes or vertices)
  • skips: experiment a little (hint: try positive integers)
  • loops: given (count them)
  • start angle: try and/or guess (use a similar approach as for the box)

For even more help, click the below image:

Please :heart: this post if you found it useful. Thanks!