Blind Distance Java Script

does any body know how to pass blind distance on javascript it annoys me. this is what i type in .

// Tell the wizard the distance to the coming ogres.

// This function finds the nearest enemy and returns the distance to it.
function nearestEnemyDistance() {
    var enemy = hero.findNearestEnemy();
    // If there is no enemy, the function returns 0.
    var result = 0;
    if (enemy) {
        result = hero.distanceTo(enemy);
    return result;

while (true) {
    var enemyDistance = nearestEnemyDistance();
    if (distance > 0)

my problem is I cant understand the distance thing on line 19
and I can’t get line 21 please help me anybody

You save the result of nearestEnemyDistance to enemyDistance not to distance.

distance is not a “magic” word. It’s just a variable name and you haven’t defined it.

thank you sir for helping me.

Sir what do i do on line 22

// Tell the wizard the distance to the coming ogres.

// This function finds the nearest enemy and returns the distance to it.
function nearestEnemyDistance() {
var enemy = hero.findNearestEnemy();
// If there is no enemy, the function returns 0.
var result = 0;
if (enemy) {
result = hero.distanceTo(enemy);
return result;

while (true) {
// Call nearestEnemyDistance() and
// save the result in the variable enemyDistance.
var enemyDistance = nearestEnemyDistance();
// If the enemyDistance is greater than 0:
var enemyDistance = nearestEnemyDistance();
if (hero.distanceTo > 0)
// Say the value of enemyDistance variable.

Is this code that i wrote right sir

My friend is doing python and he looks up the anwsers and cheats and passes me. I try to do it the right way.

if (enemyDistance > 0) {

// This function finds the nearest enemy and returns the distance to it.
function nearestEnemyDistance() {
    var enemy = hero.findNearestEnemy();
    // If there is no enemy, the function returns 0.
    var result = 0;
    if (enemy) {
        result = hero.distanceTo(enemy);
    return result;

while (true) 
    // Call nearestEnemyDistance() and
    // save the result in the variable enemyDistance.
    var enemyDistance = nearestEnemyDistance();
    // If the enemyDistance is greater than 0: 
    if (enemyDistance > 0) {
        // Say the value of enemyDistance variable.

is this correct Mr. Bryukh

if it works then it’s correct. Please don’t post solutions here.

sir, what do i do on line 21

are you ignoring me mr. bryukh

Is it a question? Try to run and you’ll see.

Is it a question? I don’t know what do you do on line 21 because the code has 20 lines.

No. Do you think I watch the forum all time and all post? If you want to ask me something, it’s better to use mentions and I’ll get a notification.

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I am sorry Mr.Bruyukh :cry:

I asked that because you usually replied the day I asked you something.But last time you didn’t text me for 2 days.

No problem. I didn’t get those phrases are questions. Could you explain your currnet problem?

Sir i meant line 21 with the extra comments that pop up when you reload it


You don’t have distance variable in your code so it’s undefined. Think where you store the result of the function and use it.