Bombing Run Level Help

I’m trying to understand and use vectors successfully. However I’m not exactly sure what to do with this level even though I know trig.

while(true) {
    var enemy = hero.findNearestEnemy();
    if(enemy) {
        // Find the vector of attack
        var ogreAttack = Vector.add(enemy.pos, hero.pos);
        // Use trigonometry to find the the angle in Radians!
        var degrees = Math.atan2(enemy.pos, hero.pos);
        // The answer must be in Degrees!
        var radians = degrees * (180 / Math.PI);
        // To convert Radians to Degrees multiply by (180 / Math.PI)
        // Say the angle!
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Ignore the last seven lines.

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You should start by changing this line:

To make a vector you need to use .subtract from them to you instead of .add.

Math.atan2 takes two arguments, and x argument and a y argument. The y argument goes first. What do you think you should use as the y and x?


Remember vectors have x and y properties. There’s a vector you haven’t used yet. :wink:

That should work,
P.S. put javascript after the first three ``` at the start of your code on the same line and it will format it as javascript (it makes the key words bold).
I’ve done it this time.


I finished the level with your help. However, I don’t understand the purpose of putting the vector in atan2. I know that for the inverse tangent it is opposite over adjacent. I don’t know how it did the level with just a coordinate point! Thanks for your help, I really appreciate it.

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