I’ve been stuck on this one for pushing a month (though, I’ve been away a good bit…).
Looked at other posts, and have been redoing old levels to better understand arrays, etc. My hero kills the leader, but then everyone attacks and we die.
// You have one arrow. Make it count!
// This should return the enemy with the most health.
function findStrongestEnemy(enemies) {
var strongest = null;
var strongestHealth = 0;
var enemyIndex = 0;
// While enemyIndex is less than the length of enemies:
while(enemyIndex < enemies.length) {
// Set an enemy variable to enemies[enemyIndex]
var enemy = enemies[enemyIndex];
// If enemy.health is greater than strongestHealth
if (enemy.health > strongestHealth) {
// Set `strongest` to enemy
// Set strongestHealth to enemy.health
strongest = enemy;
strongestHealth = enemy.health;
// Increment enemyIndex
enemyIndex += 1;
return strongest;
var enemies = hero.findEnemies();
var leader = findStrongestEnemy(enemies);
if (leader) {
Thanks in advance for the help.