So I’m stuck on the mission “leave-it-to-cleaver” which its objective is to eliminate all enemies and here’s my code so far:
def cleaveWhenClose(target):
if hero.distanceTo(target) < 5:
# If cleave is ready, then cleave target
if hero.isReady("cleave"):
# else, just attack target!
enemy = hero.findNearestEnemy()
if enemy:
When I run this code everything runs smoothly for 2 entire “cleaveWhenClose” functions, but on the last 2 enemies is when my hero stops attacking and cleaving for no reason so I end up failing the mission since I must eliminate all enemies. Any ideas on what’s wrong with my code or is there a bug?
I added an else to the loop in order to move away from the enemy spawn point since I thought that was the problem and now it works, yay!
enemy = hero.findNearestEnemy()
if enemy:
# Note that inside cleaveWhenClose, we
hero.moveXY(42, 43)
So it turns out there is a bug which is if your hero moves all the way to one side until it’s clipping the edge, it cannot detect an enemy that spawns on top of it. or I think that’s what’s happening.