Chase Them Level Help

PLS send me the link to this game so I can try it.Can we all be friends

Here is the link:
And if you want to try any more level you write this
And then put the name of the level is lower case and with - instead of each space. Do you understand, @Cool_J_girl?


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Continuing the discussion from Chase Them Level Help:

// Defeat the ogres and cure the hero.

// The pet is your only hope.
auto onSpawn(auto e) {
while(true) {
auto enemy = pet.findNearestByType(“munchkin”);
if (enemy && pet.isReady(“chase”)) {;
// Find and fetch a “potion”:
auto nearest = pet.findNearestByType(“potion”);
pet.moveXY(56, 50);

int main() {

// Assign "onSpawn" handler on the "spawn" event:
pet.on("spawn", onSpawn);

return 0;

Hi Leng_Dane,

Welcome to the forum!

If you need help with your code, please could you format it (there’s instructions here), and tell us a little bit about what the problem is.



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and please format your code properly