CS4 Lvl 21 Python Help

It’s been I while since I have been on codecombat because I am working on making a game and I don’t understand what to do on the level I am on. Any suggestions? Here is my code so far:

while True:
    coins = hero.findItems()
    coinIndex = 0
    nearest = None
    nearestDistance = 9999
    # Loop through all the coins to find the nearest one.
    while coinIndex < len(coins):
        coin = coins[coinIndex]
        coinIndex += 1
        distance = hero.distanceTo(coin)
        # If this coin's distance is less than the nearestDistance
        if distance < nearestDistance:
            # Set nearest to coin
            nearest = coin
            # Set nearestDistance to distance
            nearestDistance = distance
        if distance == nearestDistance:
            hero.moveXY(nearest.pos.x, nearest.pos.y)
    # If there's a nearest coin, move to its position. You'll need moveXY so you don't cut corners and hit a trap.

[Code removed by a moderator: Please don’t post successful solutions as it is counterproductive to the learning process]

@Bentley_Davidson please do not post solution codes here

moderation will be looking into this

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