Gas attack /Python /Keeps not seeing enemies or returning 0

I don’t know whats wrong the hero either can’t see them or they return NaN or 0
Heres my code

def sumHealth(enemies):
    # Create a variable and set it to 0 to start the sum.
    totalHealth = 0
    # Initialize the loop index to 0
    enemyIndex = 0
    # While enemyIndex is less than the length of enemies array
    while enemyIndex < len(enemies):
        # Add the current enemy's health to totalHealth
        totalHealth = totalHealth +                
        # Increment enemyIndex by 1.
        enemyIndex += 1
    return totalHealth

# Use the cannon to defeat the ogres.
cannon = hero.findNearest(hero.findFriends())
# The cannon can see through the walls.
enemies = cannon.findEnemies()
# Calculate the sum of the ogres' health.
ogreSummaryHealth = sumHealth(enemies)
if ogreSummaryHealth:
    hero.say("Use " + ogreSummaryHealth + " grams.")

few major issues i think these are the reason you are failing :+1:t2:

in the while loop put enemy = enemies[enemyIndex] inside as enemy isnt actually defined until then

there is no need for the if statement at the end as if takes boolean values, not numbers. Change it to

    #Use the cannon to defeat the ogres.
    cannon = hero.findNearest(hero.findFriends())
    #The cannon can see through the walls.
    enemies = cannon.findEnemies()
    #Calculate the sum of the ogres' health.
    ogreSummaryHealth = sumHealth(enemies)

    hero.say("Use " + ogreSummaryHealth + " grams.")

all good?
also you can use totalHealth += instead of totalHealth = totalHealth +

Good try! thats actually it and there is no other gimmiks i used either like spells or abilities so you actually did pretty good even i forgot to define enemy the first time :sweat_smile:


I used a lot of spells(thank you swap and mana blast)

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Like this? because its still not working

ef sumHealth(enemies):
    # Create a variable and set it to 0 to start the sum.
    totalHealth = 0
    # Initialize the loop index to 0
    enemyIndex = 0
    # While enemyIndex is less than the length of enemies array
    while enemyIndex < len(enemies):
        # Add the current enemy's health to totalHealth
        enemy = enemies[enemyIndex
        totalHealth +=                
        # Increment enemyIndex by 1.
        enemyIndex += 1
    return totalHealth

#Use the cannon to defeat the ogres.
cannon = hero.findNearest(hero.findFriends())
#The cannon can see through the walls.
enemies = cannon.findEnemies()
#Calculate the sum of the ogres' health.
ogreSummaryHealth = sumHealth(enemies)

hero.say("Use " + ogreSummaryHealth + " grams.")

An error pops up saying "unexpected token: expected T_RSQB but found T_NAME while parsing trailer

it should be def sumHealth(enemies): not that

It is i just didn’t copy and paste correctly

sorry about that, but what about this should have another ] at the end.

Yes it should but its still just saying NaN or 0

no need for the if statement at the end as if takes boolean values, not numbers

if ogreSummaryHealth:
    hero.say("Use " + ogreSummaryHealth + " grams.")

an if statement takes number values:

The problem is with this part of the code:

totalHealth += 

It should be this:

totalHealth += enemies[enemyIndex].health

With your code, Python does not know what enemy it is talking about, so you need to have an index. Hope this helps!

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Ok sure but it didn’t work for me

Thank you it fixed it

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