My son is using code combat and there seems to be some sort of bug in “Go Fetch”. Looking in the developer console it looks like there is some error when the pet tries to pick up the potion. Here is the stack:
|Lua's Cheryl| Non-UserCodeError: TypeError: this.target.cancelCollisions is not a function
TypeError: this.target.cancelCollisions is not a function
at t.Container.doPickUpItem (eval at module.exports.World.loadClassFromCode (https://codecombat.com/javascripts/world.js:1192:30), <anonymous>:106:21)
at t.Fetches.update (eval at module.exports.World.loadClassFromCode (https://codecombat.com/javascripts/world.js:1192:30), <anonymous>:55:12)
at t.e.exports.t.callChainedMethod (https://codecombat.com/javascripts/world.js:769:5)
at t.s [as update] (https://codecombat.com/javascripts/lodash.js:116:27)
at Existence.update (eval at module.exports.World.loadClassFromCode (https://codecombat.com/javascripts/world.js:1192:30), <anonymous>:91:15)
at t.e.exports.t.getNextFrame (https://codecombat.com/javascripts/world.js:1446:14)
at World.module.exports.World.getFrame (https://codecombat.com/javascripts/world.js:1054:43)
at World.module.exports.World.loadFrames (https://codecombat.com/javascripts/world.js:1081:248)
at https://codecombat.com/javascripts/world.js:1076:215
Not sure what to tell him. I think he is just going to continue on to the next level.
I should add – this is on Chrome Version 55.0.2883.95 (64-bit) on macOS 10.12.2. He is using python and the code being run is:
def goFetch():
while True:
potion = hero.findNearestItem()
if potion:
pet.on("spawn", goFetch)