HELP Kelvintaph Crusader

def move():
    hero.moveXY(hero.pos.x + 40, hero.pos.y)
    hero.moveXY(hero.pos.x - 40, hero.pos.y)
    safe = commandfriend()
    if safe:
        catapult = hero.findNearest(hero.findByType("catapult"))
        if catapult:

def commandfriend():
    friends = hero.findByType("paladin")
    solds = hero.findByType("soldier")
    arches = hero.findByType("archer")
    for friend in friends:
        target = {'x': 78, 'y': 40}
        if friend.distanceTo({'x': 16, 'y': 58}) > 2:
            hero.command(friend, "move", {'x': 16, 'y': 58})
        elif friend.distanceTo({'x': 50, 'y': 58}) > 2:
            hero.command(friend, "move", {'x': 50, 'y': 58})
        elif friend.distanceTo({'x': 50, 'y': 40}) > 2:
            hero.command(friend, "move", {'x': 50, 'y': 40})
        elif friend.distanceTo({'x': 78, 'y': 40}) > 2:
            hero.command(friend, "move", {'x': 78, 'y': 40})
    for sold in solds:
        target = hero.findByType("witch")
        for tar in target:
            hero.command(sold, "attack", tar)
    for arch in arches:
        targ = hero.findByType("witch")
        for ta in targ:
            hero.command(arch, "attack", ta)
    return target
hero.move({'x': hero.pos.x, 'y': hero.pos.y + 2})
while True:

it almost worked - The devil is in the details :slight_smile:

thank you for helping me though. :grinning:

the paladin goes backwards :rofl:


Can you please help me kelvintaph cursader

while True:
    friends = hero.findFriends()
    paladins = hero.findByType("paladin")
    enemies = hero.findEnemies()
    witches = hero.findByType("witch")
    enemies = hero.findEnemies()
    if hero.canCast("chain-lightning", "Trogdor"):
        hero.cast("chain-lightning", "Trogdor")
    for friend in friends:
        if friend.type != 'paladin':
            if 'Oni'.health > 0:
                hero.command(friend, "attack", "Oni")
            elif 'Oni'.health <= 0:
                if friend.type != 'paladin':
                    hero.command(friend, "shield")
                elif 'Rusty':
                    hero.command(friend, "attack", "Rusty")
                elif 'Skully':
                    hero.command(friend, "attack", "Skully")
        if hero.canCast("chain-lightning", "Trogdor"):
            hero.cast("chain-lightning", "Trogdor")
        elif friend.type == 'paladin':
            if 'Yzzrith':
                witch = 'Yzzrith'
                hero.command(friend, "attack", witch)
            elif enemy.type == 'skeleton':
                hero.command(friend, "shield")
    for enemy in enemies:
        if enemy.type is "catapult":
            while > 0:
            hero.moveXY(78, 14)

This is my code, my paladin does not shield when asked too, I have a problem of the moving part too, I ask him to move and he goes the the last destination

move 10, 10
move 20,20

paladin moves to 20,20 without moving to 10,10

Please help
Goutham 123

Do you think this is OK?

            if 'Oni'.health > 0:
            elif 'Oni'.health <= 0:
                elif 'Rusty':
                elif 'Skully':

Possible way to command and fight by name, no strings used:
Run this code:

friends = hero.findFriends()
myFriends = []
for i in range(len(friends)):
    myFriends.append("\n" + friends[i].id + " = friends[" + i + "]")
console.log("\nmyFriends = \n" + myFriends)

enemies = hero.findEnemies()
myEnemies = []
for i in range(len(enemies)):
    myEnemies.append("\n" + enemies[i].id + " = enemies[" + i + "]")
console.log("\nmyEnemies = \n" + myEnemies)

Go to the console output:

Copy the code you want to use and format it as needed.

Why did you keep me in your ignore list @xython you have been in many discussions and specialize in python. I need your help I have been trying for months (2 months) for the level and I didn’t get any where :rage:. I am sorry if I sound mad and arrogant, but I’ve tried everything and I can’t pass, I have been fed up with the level.

Hi I tried your code and you die from the catapults so I suggest making your hero wait for one second before moving to point2. But I have no chain-lighting so my troops die and I lose. Can someone help me get the emperors gloves?

I find this code works rather well just delete the “and hero.distanceTo(catapult) < 3”