Changing the topic from [HELP] Summits gate: for @SuperSmacker
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@Chaboi_3000 ok so when i try to get the soldier to kill the shaman and free the archer, and let the archer do the rest, i somehow got an infinity loop for using for friend in friends:
Thanks for your help
Here’s my code:
hero.moveXY(33, 19)
while hero.time < 20:
friends = hero.findFriends()
for friend in friends:
if hero.time < 3.5:
enemy = friend.findNearest(hero.findEnemies())
if enemy:
hero.command(friend, "attack", enemy)
elif friend.type == "archer":
while "Uld'Mak".health > 0:
hero.command(friend, "attack", "Uld'Mak")
elif friend.type == "paladin":
if hero.time < 5:
enemy = friend.findNearestEnemy()
hero.command(friend, "attack", enemy)
elif step < 4:
if soldier.canCast("heal") and > 3:
hero.command(soldier, "cast", "heal", soldier)
elif > 5 and < soldier.maxHealth:
hero.command(soldier, "shield")
elif friend.type == "soldier":
while "Drun".health > 0:
hero.command(soldier, "attack", "Drun")
I see, you didn’t mention anything about. step
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Convoluted logic –
in the for loop
for friend in friends:
if hero.time < 3.5:
elif friend.type == "archer": # AND if hero.time >= 3.5
elif friend.type == "paladin":
elif friend.type == "soldier":
Clear logic would be something like this:
if hero.time < 3:
elif hero.time < 10:
elif hero.time < 20:
else: # when hero.time >= 20
And then somewhere inside those statements, you can determine what to do depending on friend.type
regarding the while loop
while hero.time < 20:
friends = hero.findFriends()
for friend in friends:
# end of while
# ok, so what do you do after the 20-second mark?
Also, I’d suggest making functions for those pieces of code that repeat inside your program.
Useful tips on organizing your code for clarity:
I used several loops.
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Please do not post working code
Don’t revive dead threads meaninglessly
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