Help on lost Viking

need help. this is all I got

You MUST click on the HELP button to see a detailed description of this level!

side = 10
switch = 7
skip = 11

The raven will tell you what to use for your maze parameters!


How many sideSteps north of the Red X you’ve taken.

sideSteps = 1

How many steps east of the Red X you’ve taken.

steps = 1

Multiply this with steps to determine your X coordinate. DON’T CHANGE THIS!


Multiply this with sideSteps to determine your Y coordinate. DON’T CHANGE THIS!


The maze is 35 steps along the X axis.

while steps <= 35:

# Take the next step:
hero.moveXY(steps * X_PACE_LENGTH, sideSteps * Y_PACE_LENGTH)

# Increment steps and sideSteps as appropriate, taking into account the special rules.
steps += 1

sorry new to the posting

let me try again
# You MUST click on the HELP button to see a detailed description of this level!
slide = 10
switch = 7
skip = 11

The raven will tell you what to use for your maze parameters!

How many sideSteps north of the Red X you’ve taken.

sideSteps = 1

How many steps east of the Red X you’ve taken.

steps = 1

Multiply this with steps to determine your X coordinate. DON’T CHANGE THIS!


Multiply this with sideSteps to determine your Y coordinate. DON’T CHANGE THIS!


The maze is 35 steps along the X axis.

while steps <= 35:

# Take the next step:
hero.moveXY(steps * X_PACE_LENGTH, sideSteps * Y_PACE_LENGTH)

# Increment steps and sideSteps as appropriate, taking into account the special rules.
steps += 1

You should probably come back to this level later if the above is all you can come up with so far. It’s a complicated level for beginners.

It is not that hard once you know what to do I just used move XY then later used my boots of jumping and jumped over them. I did it the hard way a couple times and if you aren’t going to use a method that cheats I wouldn’t do it in the forest.

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1.) how did you jump to it because I have the same I cant
2.) how do you beat it. I use moveXY to the dead viking I it didn’t work

Really because the boots are supposed to jump over fire traps and fences.

I used moveXY and it takes a while maybe you have to move around the area more or they fixed it as a bug but I doubt it.

Can someone help me on Lost Viking?
This is my code:

# You MUST click on the HELP button to see a detailed description of this level!

# The raven will tell you what to use for your maze parameters!
SKIP = 7
# How many sideSteps north of the Red X you've taken.
sideSteps = 1

# How many steps east of the Red X you've taken.
steps = 1

# Multiply this with steps to determine your X coordinate. DON'T CHANGE THIS!

# Multiply this with sideSteps to determine your Y coordinate. DON'T CHANGE THIS!

sideDirection = 1

# The maze is 35 steps along the X axis.
while steps <= 35:

    # Take the next step:
    self.moveXY(steps * X_PACE_LENGTH, sideSteps * Y_PACE_LENGTH)
    # Increment steps and sideSteps as appropriate, taking into account the special rules.
    steps += 1
    sideSteps += sideDirection
    if steps % SKIP == 0:
        sideSteps += sideDirection
    if steps % SWITCH == 0:
        sideDirection = -sideDirection
    if sideSteps < 1:
        sideSteps = SLIDE
    elif sideSteps > SLIDE:
        sideSteps = 1

I’m pretty sure my code is correct. It’s just that my hero runs into a fire-trap when she takes the 21st step.

Can someone help me? Thanks!


Code of blocks is right
Blocks sequence is wrong
There is dependency/conflicts between the blocks

if steps % SKIP == 0:
        sideSteps += sideDirection
    if steps % SWITCH == 0:
        sideDirection = -sideDirection
if sideSteps < 1:
        sideSteps = SLIDE
    elif sideSteps > SLIDE:
        sideSteps = 1

I don’t think I understand.


Skip must be done for step Next to the Skip set point
Skip set point is 7
Skip itself

if steps % SKIP == 0:
        sideSteps += sideDirection

must be done for step 8

Rearrange code sequence
by ctrl-x ctrl-v of skip block
change the skip logic


Are you using Python?

Because I tried out your tips but the level says I have an indentation error.


If you about

if steps % SKIP == 0:
        sideSteps += sideDirection

Is copy paste of your code
Its how it work then you copy just part of code
All spaces from your before second row here.


Can you clarify what you mean? I’m still very confused.


Place skip block
After move block


if steps - 1 % SKIP == 0:
    sideSteps += sideDirection

Yes! I beat the level and got the helm. Thank you so much @htrnblr !


this level is insanely hard!!

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It is indeed an optional challenge level :slightly_smiling_face:
If you want help with the level, you can post your code and tell us what your issue is.


@Hellenar i got it!!!

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I have a problem…

# You MUST click on the HELP button to see a detailed description of this level!

# The raven will tell you what to use for your maze parameters!

# How many sideSteps north of the Red X you've taken.
sideSteps = 1

# How many steps east of the Red X you've taken.
steps = 1

# Multiply this with steps to determine your X coordinate. DON'T CHANGE THIS!

# Multiply this with sideSteps to determine your Y coordinate. DON'T CHANGE THIS!
slide = 10
switch = 7
skip = 11
to_skip = False
switches = 0
# The maze is 35 steps along the X axis.
while steps < 35:
    # Take the next step:
    if steps % skip == 0 and steps != 0:
        to_skip = True 
    if steps % switch == 0 and steps != 0:
        switches += 1
    if sideSteps > slide:
        sideSteps = 1
    if sideSteps < 1:
        sideSteps = slide
    if to_skip:
        hero.moveXY(steps * X_PACE_LENGTH, (sideSteps + 1)* Y_PACE_LENGTH)
        to_skip = False
        steps += 1
        if switch % 2 == 0:
            sideSteps += 2
        if switch % 2 == 1:
            sideSteps -= 2
    if switches % 2 == 0:
        hero.moveXY(steps * X_PACE_LENGTH, sideSteps * Y_PACE_LENGTH)
        steps += 1
        sideSteps +=1
    if switches % 2 == 1:
        hero.moveXY(steps * X_PACE_LENGTH, sideSteps * Y_PACE_LENGTH)
        steps += 1
        sideSteps -=1
    # Increment steps and sideSteps as appropriate, taking into account the special rules

When I use this code without a pet, it doesn’t work…
Second of all, when I get to the end of the maze, i don’t know why, but the hero triggers a mine and blows up…
Someone help me pls…?

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