You MUST click on the HELP button to see a detailed description of this level!
side = 10
switch = 7
skip = 11
The raven will tell you what to use for your maze parameters!
How many sideSteps north of the Red X you’ve taken.
sideSteps = 1
How many steps east of the Red X you’ve taken.
steps = 1
Multiply this with steps to determine your X coordinate. DON’T CHANGE THIS!
Multiply this with sideSteps to determine your Y coordinate. DON’T CHANGE THIS!
The maze is 35 steps along the X axis.
while steps <= 35:
# Take the next step:
hero.moveXY(steps * X_PACE_LENGTH, sideSteps * Y_PACE_LENGTH)
# Increment steps and sideSteps as appropriate, taking into account the special rules.
steps += 1
let me try again
# You MUST click on the HELP button to see a detailed description of this level!
slide = 10
switch = 7
skip = 11
The raven will tell you what to use for your maze parameters!
How many sideSteps north of the Red X you’ve taken.
sideSteps = 1
How many steps east of the Red X you’ve taken.
steps = 1
Multiply this with steps to determine your X coordinate. DON’T CHANGE THIS!
Multiply this with sideSteps to determine your Y coordinate. DON’T CHANGE THIS!
The maze is 35 steps along the X axis.
while steps <= 35:
# Take the next step:
hero.moveXY(steps * X_PACE_LENGTH, sideSteps * Y_PACE_LENGTH)
# Increment steps and sideSteps as appropriate, taking into account the special rules.
steps += 1
It is not that hard once you know what to do I just used move XY then later used my boots of jumping and jumped over them. I did it the hard way a couple times and if you aren’t going to use a method that cheats I wouldn’t do it in the forest.
Can someone help me on Lost Viking?
This is my code:
# You MUST click on the HELP button to see a detailed description of this level!
# The raven will tell you what to use for your maze parameters!
SKIP = 7
# How many sideSteps north of the Red X you've taken.
sideSteps = 1
# How many steps east of the Red X you've taken.
steps = 1
# Multiply this with steps to determine your X coordinate. DON'T CHANGE THIS!
# Multiply this with sideSteps to determine your Y coordinate. DON'T CHANGE THIS!
sideDirection = 1
# The maze is 35 steps along the X axis.
while steps <= 35:
# Take the next step:
self.moveXY(steps * X_PACE_LENGTH, sideSteps * Y_PACE_LENGTH)
# Increment steps and sideSteps as appropriate, taking into account the special rules.
steps += 1
sideSteps += sideDirection
if steps % SKIP == 0:
sideSteps += sideDirection
if steps % SWITCH == 0:
sideDirection = -sideDirection
if sideSteps < 1:
sideSteps = SLIDE
elif sideSteps > SLIDE:
sideSteps = 1
I’m pretty sure my code is correct. It’s just that my hero runs into a fire-trap when she takes the 21st step.
# You MUST click on the HELP button to see a detailed description of this level!
# The raven will tell you what to use for your maze parameters!
# How many sideSteps north of the Red X you've taken.
sideSteps = 1
# How many steps east of the Red X you've taken.
steps = 1
# Multiply this with steps to determine your X coordinate. DON'T CHANGE THIS!
# Multiply this with sideSteps to determine your Y coordinate. DON'T CHANGE THIS!
slide = 10
switch = 7
skip = 11
to_skip = False
switches = 0
# The maze is 35 steps along the X axis.
while steps < 35:
# Take the next step:
if steps % skip == 0 and steps != 0:
to_skip = True
if steps % switch == 0 and steps != 0:
switches += 1
if sideSteps > slide:
sideSteps = 1
if sideSteps < 1:
sideSteps = slide
if to_skip:
hero.moveXY(steps * X_PACE_LENGTH, (sideSteps + 1)* Y_PACE_LENGTH)
to_skip = False
steps += 1
if switch % 2 == 0:
sideSteps += 2
if switch % 2 == 1:
sideSteps -= 2
if switches % 2 == 0:
hero.moveXY(steps * X_PACE_LENGTH, sideSteps * Y_PACE_LENGTH)
steps += 1
sideSteps +=1
if switches % 2 == 1:
hero.moveXY(steps * X_PACE_LENGTH, sideSteps * Y_PACE_LENGTH)
steps += 1
sideSteps -=1
# Increment steps and sideSteps as appropriate, taking into account the special rules
When I use this code without a pet, it doesn’t work…
Second of all, when I get to the end of the maze, i don’t know why, but the hero triggers a mine and blows up…
Someone help me pls…?