Hi everyone!
I’m currently doing the “Make Advances” level. Everything is fine, except for the fact that my paladins don’t shield.
Can somebody tell me what the problem is ?
Thank you in advance !
(The language I use is Javascript)
// Advance through the forgotten tomb.
// Be wary, traps lay in wait to ruin your day!
// The Paladins volunteer to lead the way.
// Command them to shield against incoming projectiles.
while(true) {
var friends = hero.findFriends();
// findEnemyMissiles finds all dangerous projectiles.
var projectiles = hero.findEnemyMissiles();
for(var i = 0; i < friends.length; i++) {
var friend = friends[i];
if(friend.type == "paladin") {
// Find the projectile nearest to the friend:
var projectile = friend.findNearest(projectiles);
// If the projectile exists
// AND is closer than 10 meters to the paladin:
if (projectile && friend.distanceTo(projectile) < 10) {
// Command the friend to "shield":
hero.command(friend, "shield");
// ELSE, when there is no potential danger:
else {
// Advance the paladin:
hero.command(friend, "move", {x:friend.pos.x+66,y:friend.pos.y});}
} else {
// If not a paladin, just advance:
hero.command(friend, "move", {x:friend.pos.x+81,y:friend.pos.y});
// Advance the hero in the x direction:
hero.moveXY(112, 34);