Help on Thunderhooves level

I’m stuck on this level, i have a problem on line 10

the language is Python

here is the code:

Move right, to the oasis.

Build a “fence” above or below when you see a yak.

while True:
yak = hero.findNearestEnemy()
if yak:
# If yak.pos.y is greater than hero.pos.y
if yak.pos.y > hero.pos.y:
# buildXY a “fence” 10m below the yak.
hero.buildXY(‘fence’, hero.pos.x, yak.pos.y - 10)
# else:

        # buildXY a "fence" 10m above the yak.
        hero.buildXY('fence', hero.pos.x, yak.pos.y + 10)
    # moveXY right 10m towards the oasis.
    hero.moveXY(hero.pos.x + 10, hero.pos.y)

Equip your hammer.


I tried another time but i have the same problem

Try again, with a sword, you have no chance of building anything

Well, @qwerty is right. Equip a hammer.
Also, you want to do yak.pos.x instead of hero.pos.x

while True:
    yak = hero.findNearestEnemy()
    if yak:
        if yak.pos.y > hero.pos.y:
            hero.buildXY('fence', yak.pos.x, yak.pos.y)  # Use yak's position
            # Vice Versa, do the same but opposite
        hero.moveXY(hero.pos.x + 10, hero.pos.y)
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You have, he just don’t have a hammer

I said “with a sword” -_-

I mean you need a hammer to somplete this level

Thanks, now it works. I was using a wrong hammer, now with the hammer (20) is work, it was my mistake.


now it works thx. It was my mistake

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