I can’t be sure because I haven’t learned all the pet related commands, but the code seems sound. If I was to guess, I would say the statue might say the first direction for a few ticks too long, or the next statue not soon enough, as the pet’s code continues with the original command.
Also, my apologies if its a simple error on my part.
Alright, thank you. I’m going through older areas to play other levels in hopes of finding the answer, but how would I distinguish each event? I guess I was under the impression that the level would govern when to change direction.
Edit: Sorry if this is unclear. How do I ask it to stop and listen for the next event? Rather than spamming in a while-loop?
Edit 2: I’m sorry, I didn’t understand that the pet continuously “listens.” I thought I had to tell him to listen to each event and run it through the function. —I’m too tired to be coding— Simple answer, no loop.
@mastercoder827 Yes. As long as you use the pet.on(“hear”, onHear), whenever your hero or an NPC non playable character, talks, it will trigger the function. No need for a while loop