Help with Sarven Siege (JavaScript)

I cant seem to figure out whats wrong, i tried other peoples code by adding it in but I cant find the issue
var coinAmount = 0;
if ( >= 20) {
while (coinAmount < 20); {
coin = hero.findItems();
coins = hero.findNearest(coin);
hero.moveXY(coins.pos.x, coins.pos.y);
if (coins.value == 1)
coinAmount += 1;
if (coins.value == 2)
coinAmount += 2;
if (coins.value == 3)
coinAmount +=3;
while (coinAmount >= 20);{
towers = hero.findByType(“arrow-tower”);
tower = hero.findNearest(towers);
hero.moveXY(tower.pos.x +6, tower.pos.y);
coinAmount -= 20;
hero.moveXY(hero.pos.x +2, hero.pos.y);

Here is your code with corrections
you are coding this in Python right?

var coinAmount = 0
#You don't need a ";" at the end  for python. 
if >= 20:
# "()" aren't needed after the if 
    while coinAmount < 20:
        coin = hero.finditems()
        coins = hero.findNearest(coin):
        # you use ":" at the end not ";"
        hero.moveXY(coins.pos.x, coin.pos.y)
        if  coins.value == 1:
            coinAmount +=1
        if coins.value == 2:
            coinAmount += 2
        if coins.value == 3:
            coinAmount += 3
# in python it's all about indentation so no braces are needed so the end has none
while (coinAmount >= 20):
    towers = hero.findByType("arrow-tower")
    tower =  hero.findNearest("towers")
    hero.moveXY(tower.pos.x + 6, tower.pos.y)
    coinAmount -= 20;
    hero.moveXY(hero.pos.x +2, hero,pos.y)

You don’t need the coinAmount variable because the program already made you one called “” and I think you need a loop as well

#You can just do this
#here is the loop that you forgot
while >= 20:
    towers = hero.findByType("arrow-tower")
    tower = hero.findNearest(towers)
    hero.moveXY(tower.pos.x + 6, tower.pos.y)
    hero.moveXY(hero.pos.x+ 2,  hero.pos.y)

sorry if you aren’t using phython

No I’m in java script