Help with the level Keeping Time!

Ok, so this is my code,

// Use your new skill to choose what to do:
while (true) {
    if (enemy) {
        var enemy = this.hero.findNearestEnemy();
    // If it's the first 10 seconds, fight.
    if ( < 10 & enemy != "palisade") {
        if (enemy) {
            // Else, if it's the first 30 seconds, collect coins.
    } else if ( < 35) {
        if (item) {
            var item = this.hero.findNearestItem();
            this.hero.moveXY(item.pos.x, item.pos.y);
            if (gold >= 22) {
        if (item) {
            var itemX = item.x;
            var itemY = item.y;
        }    // After 30 seconds, join the raid!
    } else {
        if (enemy) {
            var enemyU = this.findNearest(this.findEnemies());

But how do I keep Nadia of the leaf from attacking the palidise if I am Anaya?

You don’t. When the time is up and she starts to attack, you join in with the soldiers you have bought.

Ok, but my code does nothing, even though it has no errors. :neutral_face:

first of all you can’t do this
if (enemy) { var enemy = this.hero.findNearestEnemy(); }
because you can’t ask if enemy if you define it after.
Why do you say
the cod is wrong