Highlanders by Zython

Help pls


can you send me your code?

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# You must defeat the ogres
# But they are using black magic!
# Only the highlander soldiers are immune.
# Find highlanders, their names always contain "mac"

highlanderName = "mac"

# This function should search for a string inside of a word:
def wordInString(string, word):
    lenString = len(string)
    lenWord = len(word)
    # Step through indexes (i) from 0to (lenString - lenWord)
    for i in range(0, lenString - lenWord):
        # For each of them step through indexes (j) of the word length
        for j in range(lenWord):
            # If [i + j]th letter of the string is not equal [j]th letter of world, then break loop
            if i + j != j:
            # if this is the last letter of the word (j == lenWord - 1), then return True.
            if (j == lenWord - 1):
                return True
    # If loops are ended then the word is not inside the string. Return False.
    return False
    # ∆ Remove this when the function is written.

# Look at your soldiers and choose highlanders only
soldiers = hero.findFriends()
for soldier in soldiers:
    if wordInString(soldier.id, highlanderName):
        hero.say(soldier.id + " be ready.")
        # Time to attack!


Can you refresh my memory I don’t remember this level can you post the link?


the link for the level is here

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