How can i use hero velocity? Or what's wrong with velocity?

What am I doing wrong trying to put my hero.velocity as condition for doing something?

Please post your code @Alexbrand so we can help you

Thanks! I deeply appreciate your help)
the level is

# Peons are trying to steal your coins!
# Write a function to squash them before they can take your coins.

def pickUpCoin():
    coin = hero.findNearest(hero.findItems())
    if coin:
        if hero.velocity<20:
        hero.moveXY(coin.pos.x, coin.pos.y)

# Write the attackEnemy function below.
# Find the nearest enemy and attack them if they exist!

def attackEnemy():
    enemy = hero.findNearest(hero.findEnemies())
    if enemy:
        if self.velocity:
while True:
    #attackEnemy() # ∆ Uncomment this line after you write an attackEnemy function.

I think it is in the if hero.velocity you have to have spaces like this hero.velocity < 20:

Thank you. But it doesn’t help. Ok, let’s change the code. And add spaces)

# Write a function to squash them before they can take your coins.

def pickUpCoin():
    coin = hero.findNearest(hero.findItems())
    if coin:
        hero.moveXY(coin.pos.x, coin.pos.y)

# Write the attackEnemy function below.
# Find the nearest enemy and attack them if they exist!

def attackEnemy():
    enemy = hero.findNearest(hero.findEnemies())
    if enemy:
        if self.velocity:
        if hero.velocity < ({x: 0.00, y: 0.00, z: 0.00}):
while True:
    #attackEnemy() # ∆ Uncomment this line after you write an attackEnemy function.

How we can make our hero say “Whoa!” ?

try using self in the


I deed it before and it doesn’t help. Actually I use both hero and self, now it doesn’t make difference.

or try putting

if self.velocity!=({x: 0.00, y: 0.00, z: 0.00}):

try this sorry

if self.velocity!=({'x': 0.00, 'y': 0.00, 'z': 0.00}):

Oh my God! Shame on me. Thank you very much it worked):handshake:

no problem! BTW it feels good to help.

Just now i’m busy but velocity is a vector
put in while True



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Thanks a lot! I just was misreading examples/hero.outputs(

({x: 0.00, y: 0.00, z: 0.00}) in output != ({x: 0.00, y: 0.00, z: 0.00}) in code. I forgot ""s.

You can also write {x: a, y: b, z: c} as Vector(a, b, c). Just a tip to make code a little easier to write.

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@xython, @Chaboi_3000 thank you very much)
But my brain is gonna blow up)
I’m afraid I didn’t get the conception of velocity. I always thought about it like of speed. For example hero.maxHealth in most cases is the whole HP quantity at the start of the round, and - is the HP quantity at the very exact moment of the battle. So I supposed the same for hero.maxSpeed and hero.velocity.
After some time of experiments I made a conclusion that I was wrong. But obviously velocity is also is not a 3-D position of hero. Description says about meters per second, but why then it includes 3 numbers?

And in Vectors menu there is nothing close to velocity (or I didn’t found it). It helped me much with distances, some functions etc., but hero.velocity is still a mystery to me :confused:


Thanks I love tricks that helps simplify and shorten code)

Technically CoCo works in 3-D, with a 3rd z-coordinate that goes upward. An example of this mechanic is when Okar stomps, units don’t go sideways but are launched upwards. This is because of the use of z-coordinates. If I’m not wrong, the Vector obtained from velocity is the direction you are going to per second, so if you are just walking north, and your hero speed is 14m/second, then your velocity will be Vector(0,14,0). If you are being launched from things like Okar’s stomp, then the third value(z), will change dynamically.


Yep, it’s especially well seen while mine-jumps)
Thanks for explanation! :handshake: :boom:

I postponed asking this question for more than 2 years.
This is excerpt from Nick’s code for Crag Tag:

penderFuturePos = {"x": pender.pos.x + pender.velocity.x * 0.5, "y": pender.pos.y + pender.velocity.y * 0.5}
penderFuturePos = {"x": pender.pos.x + pender.velocity.x * 0.5, "y": pender.pos.y + pender.velocity.y * 0.5}
dx = penderFuturePos.x - self.pos.x
dy = penderFuturePos.y - self.pos.y
jumpTo = {"x": self.pos.x + dx * 100, "y": self.pos.y + dy * 100}


The offending part is pender.velocity.
In which cases does the velocity work? Should we ask Nick?

Well I told I didn’t understand velocity stuff… And with explanations the idea became more clear, but… Still it’s some kind of black magic to me I can’t master(

while True:
    if hero.velocity!={"x":100.00, "y":200.00, "z":300.00}:

Works fine.

while True:
    if hero.velocity=={"x":0.00, "y":0.00, "z":0.00}:


As well as

while True:
    if hero.velocity<{"x":1000.00, "y":1000.00, "z":1000.00}:

I just can’t make Anya say “Whoa” in this cases.