How do you do the level double cheek?[SOLVED]

i was working on this level and one of my code lines it says “try hero.pos”

here is my code

# First, defeat 6 ogres.
# Then collect coins until you have 30 gold.

# This variable is used for counting ogres.
defeatedOgres = 0
coin = hero.findNearestItem()

# This loop is executed while defeatedOgres is less than 6.
while defeatedOgres < 6:
    enemy = hero.findNearestEnemy()
    if enemy:
        defeatedOgres += 1

# Move to the right side of the map.
hero.moveXY(49, 36)

# This loop is executed while you have less than 30 gold.
while < 30:
    # Find and collect coins.
    hero.moveXY(coin.pos.x, coin.pos.y)          this is the line with the problem
    # Remove this say() message.
    hero.say("I should gather coins!")

# Move to the exit.
hero.moveXY(76, 32)
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You have to find the nearest item within the while loop and define it as coin. You also have to remove the hero.say("I should gather coins!") statement.

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ok so do i move the "coin = hero.findNearestItem into the loop?


this is what it looks like

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Yes, do that and add an if loop checking for a coin.

if coin:
   #move to the coin's position
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Try doing hero.move(coin.pos)


@logan_jordan’s boots do not allow him to do that.

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ok i will do that right away

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Just buy boots that do they aren’t expensive.

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No, he gets those in mountains.

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i completed the level thanks guys


Great but who’s post helped you solve the problem

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Use move since it goes to the nearest coin that is sees now instead of the one that was from 1sec ago. This is very important in the mountains.

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Milton, hes not in mountains yet hes not suppose to use move in the desert yet.

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It is a good skill and i learned it in the Forest. But the more you know the better :wink:

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also i have been using move since the forest

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