I really need help with the level "Operation: Killdeer"[SOLVED]

It is confusing and difficult. Please help.

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Please post your code so we can help you.

here is my code:

type or paste code here
```# Lure the ogres into a trap. These ogres are careful.
# They will only follow if the hero is injured.
enemy = hero.findNearestEnemy()
# This function checks the hero's health 
# and returns a Boolean value.
def shouldRun():
    if hero.health < hero.maxHealth / 2:
        return True
        return False

while True:
    # Move to the X only if shouldRun() returns True
    if shouldRun = true:
    x = hero.pos.x + 10
    hero.moveXY(x, 37)
    hero.moveXY(75, 37)
    # Else, attack!

This level is in the Sarven Desert

Change that to

    # Move to the X only if shouldRun() returns True
    if shouldRun():
        hero.moveXY(75, 37)
    # Else, attack!
        enemy = hero.findNearestEnemy()
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It worked! Thank you so much Eric_Tang. Your the best.

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