(new move boots) Nope, haven’t figured out how they work so I don’t know which/if so I haven’t purchased them.
No the code for this one is pretty straight forward.
The piece of code it claims is the infloop isn’t even a loop (it is a simple function with just an if and a moveXY).
At the point where it is failing the code (a function) it highlights shouldn’t even be being called.
I commented out the calls to the function and it still thinks the infloop is there (or I assume that is why it is highlighting that stretch of code.)
I just noticed that the Hero popup at bottom of the screen is not updating, is because of the inf loop? or ?? (it says she has full health and is still at 3,11 even as she walks around the screen getting beat on.)
Possibly related problem here.
testing a different problem I noticed this in the default text on the level (“Desert Combat”) I was using to test:
# Always take an action inside a while loop, or it'll go infinite!
So I rearranged my code a little and now it doesn’t go infinite. But I Boo-Hoo lost a couple of days of playing this level. <sniff><sniff> (and I’ve got prolly one (two tops) more win left in me before I can’t go any further because of the enemy tsunami!! What day do the testable-subscription levels turn to subscription only?)