# Move the stack of peasants onto another stump.
# You can only carry 1 peasant at a time.
# You cannot stack a larger peasant onto a smaller peasant.
# You have access to the following APIs:
# pickUpItem(container) picks up the top/last item in a container.
# dropItem(container) drops the top/last (and only) item in you're carrying.
# You and the stumps have the following APIs:
# peekItem() returns the top item of the container.
# viewStack() returns an array of items in the container.
# Peasants have the following APIs:
# size; returns the size of the peasant
stump1 = hero.findByType("stump")[0] # This is where the peasants start.
stump2 = hero.findByType("stump")[1]
stump3 = hero.findByType("stump")[2]
def move(frm, to):
from_stump = [stump1, stump2, stump3][frm - 1]
to_stump = [stump1, stump2, stump3][to - 1]
hero.say("Moving from {} to {}".format(frm, to))
def hanoi(n, frm, to, via):
if (n == 1):
move(frm, to)
hanoi(n - 1, frm, via, to)
move(frm, to)
hanoi(n - 1, via, to, frm)
hanoi(5, 1, 2, 3)
this line is wrong
hero.say("Moving from {} to {}".format(frm, to))