Level Help: Golden Choice, Javascript

I have tried as many solutions I can think of, even translating a working python solution so javascript, (didn’t work out too well). I need help on the level Golden Choice, and at this point I would take a solution as I have absolutely NO idea how this would be properly solved. Thanks for your help.


// You must collect the required amount of gold.
// The gate keeper will tell you how much you need.
// Always move in the direction of the exit.
// For each row you can take only one coin.
// Choose only one from the nearest coins in the next row.

// Distance between rows and coins.
var distanceX = 4;
var distanceY = 6;
var zeroPoint = {x: 14, y: 14};
var coinLines = 10;

function makeGoldMap(coins) {
    var template = [];
    for (var i = 0; i < coinLines; i++) {
        template[i] = [];
        for (var j = 0; j < 2 * coinLines - 1; j++) {
            template[i][j] = 0;
    for (var c = 0; c < coins.length; c++) {
        var row = Math.floor((coins[c].pos.y - zeroPoint.y) / distanceY);
        var col = Math.floor((coins[c].pos.x - zeroPoint.x) / distanceX);
        template[row][col] = coins[c].value;
    return template;

// Prepare the gold map. It looks like:
// [[1, 0, 9, 0, 4],
//  [0, 1, 0, 9, 0],
//  [8, 0, 2, 0, 9]]
var goldMap = makeGoldMap(hero.findItems());
var coins = hero.findItems();
// Find your path.
for(var y = zeroPoint.y; y < 10; y+=distanceY){
    for(var x = zeroPoint.x; x < 10; x+=distanceX){
    var coin = coins[x][y];
    var highestValue = 0;
    var highestCoin = [null];
    if(coin.value > highestValue){
        highestValue = coin.value;
        highestCoin = coin.push();


var distanceX = 4;
var distanceY = 6;
var zeroPoint = {x: 14, y: 14};
var coinLines = 10;

function makeGoldMap(coins) {
    var template = [];
    for (var i = 0; i < coinLines; i++) {
        template[i] = [];
        for (var j = 0; j < 2 * coinLines - 1; j++) {
            template[i][j] = 0;
    for (var c = 0; c < coins.length; c++) {
        var row = Math.floor((coins[c].pos.y - zeroPoint.y) / distanceY);
        var col = Math.floor((coins[c].pos.x - zeroPoint.x) / distanceX);
        template[row][col] = coins[c].value;
    return template;
var goldMap = makeGoldMap(hero.findItems());
var map = goldMap.reverse();
var rows = map.length;
var cols = map[0].length;

for(var r = 1;  r < rows; r++){
      map[r - 1] += [0];
      for(var c = 0; c < cols; c++){          
        if(map[r][c] === 0){
        if(c === 0){
            map[r][c] += map[r - 1][c + 1];
        else if(c == cols - 1){
            map[r][c] += map[r - 1][c - 1];
            map[r][c] += Math.max(map[r - 1][c - 1], map[r - 1][c + 1]);

var map = map.reverse();
for(var r1 = 0; r1 < rows; r1++){
    if(r1 === 0){
        var c = map[r1].indexOf(Math.max(map[r1]));
        hero.moveXY(c * distanceX + 14, 7);
        if(map[r1][c + 1] > map[r1][c - 1]){
            c += 1;
            c -= 1;
    hero.moveXY(c * distanceX + 14, r1 * distanceY + 14);

We do not give out solutions even if you have tried everything in this level. Please explain what goes wrong when running your code.

Apologies for the late reply. When the code is run, my hero goes to the start point, (14,14), and then proceeds to go up and to the left, after a few seconds he exits the little nook on the left side of the level and goes up and to the left, stuck in another niche. The process repeats and I lose the level.

highestValue is an array. So you compare a number and the array. Also your algortihm is so far from the getting the best route.

I am quite aware. How would you suggest I write it?

Write what? The algorithm? You can try bruteforce and “tree walking” or read about dynamical programming.