Level: Help with 'Ice Hunter'

Hi guys, I got some problem with the level “Ice hunter” in cloudrip mountain. I don’t know how to attack all the enemies, my hero stops after having attacked successfully one small-yak and says "But he’s dead!"
I know that I should hunt for 4 yaks, but I don’t know how to continue with my code at the end… Thanks for your help!

# Hunt for 4 yaks. Choose only the small ones.
# Small yak names contain a "bos" substring.

# This function checks if a word contains a substring.
def isSubstring(word, substring):
    # We iterate through the start indexes only.
    rightEdge = len(word) - len(substring)
    # Loop through the indexes of the word.
    for i in range(rightEdge + 1):
        # For each of them loop through the substring
        for j in range(len(substring)):
            # Use an offset for the word's indexes.
            shiftedIndex = i + j
            # If letters aren't the same:
            if word[shiftedIndex] != substring[j]:
                # Check the next start index in the word.
            # If it was the last letter in the substring:
            if j == len(substring) - 1:
                # Then the substring is in the word.
                return True
    # We haven't found the substring in the word.
    return False

# Loop through all enemies.
enemies = hero.findEnemies()
for e  in range(len(enemies)):
    enemy = enemies[e]
    # Use the function isSubstring to check
    # if an enemy name (id) contains "bos":
    word = enemy.id
    substring = "bos"
    while isSubstring(word, substring) is True: 
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Its because you used a while loop while attacking.

# Loop through all enemies.
enemies = hero.findEnemies()
for e  in range(len(enemies)):
    enemy = enemies[e]
    # Use the function isSubstring to check
    # if an enemy name (id) contains "bos":
    word = enemy.id
    substring = "bos"
    while isSubstring(word, substring) is True: 
        hero.attack(enemy) #Your hero is constantly attcking this one enemy because
                           #the function is constantly returning true and never has
                           #the chance to look at the other enemies because this loop
                           #never ends.

Try using something other than a while loop. You only need it to return true or false once and if your sword cant kill the yak in one hit. Use a loop so that it keeps on attacking it till its health is 0.


Thank you so much for your quick reply! Made my day!

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Np glad to help.:smile:

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