Marginal Utility Web Development 2

I don’t know how to do this level. Can anybody help me?

If somebody could just post the right code, that would be awesome. :upside_down_face:

sorry to disapoint you but in the discourse we cant give direct solutions but we give clues so if you could post what code you have right now we could help

this is my code.

<!-- Margin and Padding are used to layout elements. -->
<!-- Margin is the space between elements. -->
<!-- Padding is distance between the content and... -->
<!-- ... edge of an element. -->

    body {
    img {
        border:1px black solid;
    .paddedImage {
    /* Padding is the space between the content and edge.   */
    .marginImage {
    /* Margin is the space between elements. */
    div {
        /* border:1px black solid;
        /* Add the margin property to all div elements: */
        border:1px black solid;
        /* Add the padding property to all div elements: */
<img class="paddedImage" src=""/>
<img class="paddedImage" src=""/>
<img class="paddedImage" src=""/>
<img class="marginImage" src=""/>
<img class="marginImage" src=""/>
<img class="marginImage" src=""/>
    I'm a div!
    Me too.
    Don't forget about me!

this is the part where I do not know what to do. →

        /* border:1px black solid;
        /* Add the margin property to all div elements: */
        border:1px black solid;
        /* Add the padding property to all div elements: */

I have to go. Help me out later!

you have to add margin and padding like

margin: 6px;
padding: 10px;

Thanks alot. I tried that and it worked!
(P.S. You basically just told me what to do)
aynwats, thanks!!!

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