# Ogres are hiding in woods. Protect the peasants.
# The last word in the peasants' messages are a hint.
for x in range(8, 73, 16):
hero.moveXY(x, 22)
# Peasants know whom to summon.
peasant = hero.findNearest(hero.findFriends())
message = peasant.message
if message:
# Words are seaparated by whitespaces.
words = message.split(" ")
# "words" is an array of words from the "message".
# Get the last word. It's the required unit type.
# Summon the required unit type.
for i in range(len(hero.built)):
unit = hero.built[i]
# Command the unit to defend the unit's position.
hero.command(unit, "defend", unit.pos)
# Defend the last point yourself:
I can do most of it, I just don’t know how to get the last word they said