Heres my code
// Your goal is to protect the peasant and move to the right.
// Arryn Stonewall will defend the front, and command the soldiers.
// You need to cover the rear and command the peasant.
var arryn = hero.findByType("raider")[0];
var peasant = hero.findByType("peasant")[0];
function chooseHeroStrategy() {
// Return either "fight" or "advance".
// Try to stay 5m behind the peasant when not fighting.
// Don't get more than 15m away from the peasant.
var enemy = hero.findNearestEnemy();
if (enemy) {
return "fight"
} else {
return "advance"
function heroFight() {
// Stop the ogres from rushing past you to get to the peasant!
// Hint: try to slow them down if you can
var enemy = hero.findNearestEnemy();
function heroAdvance() {
// Stay behind the peasant
hero.moveXY(peasant.pos.x - 5, 36);
function choosePeasantStrategy() {
// Return "follow", "build-above", or "build-below"
// Hint: use isPathClear() to determine where the hallways are
if(isPathClear(peasant.pos, 65)){
return "build-above"
if(isPathClear(peasant.pos, 5)){
return "build-below"
return follow;
function peasantAdvance() {
// Keep the peasant behind Arryn and her soldiers.
hero.command(peasant, "move", {peasant.pos.x + 1, peasant.pos.y});
function peasantBuild(x,y) {
// Command the peasant to build a palisade.
hero.command(peasant, "build", "palisade", {x:x,y:y});
while(true) {
var heroStrategy = chooseHeroStrategy();
if(heroStrategy == "fight") {
} else if(heroStrategy == "advance") {
var peasantStrategy = choosePeasantStrategy();
if(peasantStrategy == "build-above") {
peasantBuild(peasant.pos.x, peasant.pos.y + 5);
} else if(peasantStrategy == "build-below") {
peasantBuild(peasant.pos.x, peasant.pos.y - 5);
} else if(peasantStrategy == "follow") {
Evertime I run it it says there is a problem with my code while pointing towards a random line.
But most of the time it points to this line
if(isPathClear(peasant.pos, 65)){
**return "build-above"** <---
I have no idea what’s causing it. Please help.