Nitro type chat

You cant get the nitro pac anymore. Its gone

I did 15 some races today. But i gotta get to work so I’m getting off for now.

(20 characters)

Hey what’s up here is my nitro type cars


??? sorry but are we supposed to care?

LOL Burn 20 chars!!!

Guys that’s very rude especially towards someone who is new to the forums. Think about it, if you were greeted with “i dont care” or “burn”, would you come back to the forums? I’ve noticed a lot of rudeness and toxicity in this chat, if you have a problem with each other, you can flag what the other person said that was rude and warn them, if they still continue take it to PM’s.


I meant to say (burn 20 chars)

Yeah, I very much agree here, this is not Discord, this is a forum meaning you can’t misbehave and say whatever comes to your mind here. Abide by the rules, otherwise eventually you’ll bring it to a ban.


Hey Samuel! Welcome to the CodeCombat discourse. That’s pretty impressive if you just started playing and have that many cars. Also, can you share your username so that I can friend you?

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Aaaaannnddd I hope any and all moderators start purging this topic of a few people, AHEM: @Ghostt and @Bravo-Alpha

The user in question(@Ghostt) is now removed from the forums. Let’s continue making this discussion relevant and civil.

I believed the right decision was to close this one out and create a new one from scratch. Nice and fresh. The new NT thread will be here.

Thank you everybody else for helping report rule-breaking!

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