Official Clan List

Please join my clan!

Pleeeeeeeeeeeease. I will help you on levels if you joined. By the way you need to be level 17+

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I joined it @Code_Master since I am level 36 almost level 37


Please join it!!! And thank you @milton.jinich

no prob I am Moy#1 @Code_Master

nevermind it’s level 17+ now

Because just realized that it might be impossible for some people.

since level 30 is hard to get to if you don’t have a subscription

it’s not really if you had some experience

true @ineedhelpwithcoding but it is a lot easier if you have a subscription to be able to afford the equipment and new items that you unlock

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I joined :slight_smile:

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I joined your clan as well @Code_Master

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Thanks guys! :slight_smile:

I joined your clan in November since I like supporting my friends clans

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@Code_Master I just joined your clan too

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Guys, could you please also join this clan too? I want to merge both into one. @Falcons118 @milton.jinich @abc @QinWentian

I just joined your clan @Code_Master

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Thanks again! :slight_smile:

yep I joined it too!!!

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Thanks! :slight_smile: